October 22, 2024

Pink diamond: All there is to know about this type of diamond

3 min read
Pink diamond: All there is to know about this type of diamond

Nowadays, much more sought after than a decade ago, the pink diamond has indeed become the object of all desires. Why such an interest ? The answer comes down to one name: Ben Afleck! And yes, by offering in 2002 an engagement ring set with a diamond to conquer Jennifer Lopez, the popularity of this stone atypical color has risen considerably. 

So we decided to show you everything you need to know about this gem. A complete overview of the pink diamonds that tempts you? It’s this way !

Pink Diamond Investments

Why pink diamond?

It seemed interesting to begin by first explaining the origin of this color: indeed why a pink diamond is pink? Well, you know, we do not really know it. And no, scientists are not yet able to explain with certainty why pink diamonds … are pink.

But they know why the blue diamond is blue. This is because of the Bore atoms present in its atomic structure. But for the pink diamond it is not so easy. They imagine that the pink color results from the constraints imposed on its structure during the formation of the crystal.

Specifically, it would be extremely high temperatures and pressure during its formation that would lead to plastic deformations in the carbon crystal. 

These deformations then engender the absorption of a certain type of wavelength which will consequently influence the color of the light transmitted by the diamond. And so give this incomparable pink color.

Such conditions are therefore exceptional which therefore explains the extreme rarity of this type of diamond. The pure pink color is also very rare, often shades of other colors such as purple, brown, gray, purple, orange, orange-brown and purple-brown appear.

Finally noted that there are also diamonds treated, that is to say, the pink color is intensified artificially. When this treatment takes place, it must be specified on the expert’s report. The advantage: the price. This type of diamond is much cheaper.

Pink Diamond Investments

The pink diamond, a particularly rare diamond

If quality diamonds do not run the streets, after the red diamond (of which there are only 20 certified copies) the diamond is undoubtedly the one that is the hardest to meet …

The pink diamonds are indeed the rarest diamonds of all diamonds, all types combined. To give you an idea, it is estimated that a diamond extract of 100,000 can be classified pink.

And among the stones that obtain this distinction, a tiny proportion will obtain the classification “Fancy Intense” or the classification “Fancy Vivid”, a distinction which corresponds to a very high purity.

To these two characteristics, which are already particularly rare, the color and quality of the latter, a pink diamond greater than 1 carat becomes by definition extremely difficult to find. 

So those who make more than 10 carats are downright non-existent or almost even in the most prestigious auction rooms like Christies’s or Sotheby’s. We also understand why the price of these stones is also impressive.

The big pink diamond is therefore a diamond of extreme rarity. There are only a few known examples today. Exceptional pink diamonds that have gone down in history, at different levels. Let us introduce them.

Pink Diamond Investments

Where do the pink diamonds come from?

You’ve understood now, a pink diamond is a rare diamond! But as rare as it is, it must come from somewhere! So where are the diamonds extracted today, in the past?

In the past, the pink diamond was first and foremost extracted from Golconda in India. Many famous diamonds come from this region. India has been the main diamond producer for centuries. Some pink diamonds are then extracted from other mines present in Brazil, Russia, Tanzania or South Africa.

Today, however, the vast majority (90%) of these exceptional stones come from the “Argyle Mine” mine located in Australia and owned by Rio Tinto.

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