October 22, 2024

Best Building inspection : Favorable or unfavorable

2 min read
Building inspection : Favorable or unfavorable

Just as the mobile park is subject to a series of periodic reviews to guarantee a certain level of safety and prevent traffic accidents, there is similar control for buildings in the country called Building inspection. In some places it is also known as Technical Inspection of Constructions (ITC).

The state regulations establish that the revision must be carried out in buildings with more than 50 years old that are in populations of more than 25,000 inhabitants unless the autonomous communities establish a lower time limit, as in fact happens in some of they. For example, the Community of Madrid requires that buildings over 30 years old must pass it.

It is important to mention that currently the 8/2013 law establishes a new legal framework in the building check with the figure of the IEE (Building Evaluation Report)

This is a more complete report than the Building inspection and that, in fact, integrates it in a certain way. Roughly the novel points are an evaluation of the accessibility of the property and its energy efficiency.

The Building inspection is a visual inspection carried out by an independent and qualified technician who must verify that the building meets the minimum conditions required in terms of safety, health and public decoration and decorum.

It is important to highlight these two adjectives that apply to the technician in charge of performing the inspection:

  • Independent : In the event that the building must undergo corrective interventions, the technician cannot have a relationship or interests with the company that performs the works.
  • Qualified : Ideally, the chosen technician has specialized training and experience in construction and building processes, as well as in the field of pathologist that affect the durability of the materials that make up the property.
Building inspection Favorable or unfavorable

Building inspection – Favorable or unfavorable

The Building inspection analyzes in detail the following building elements:

  • Foundation and structure.
  • Facades and medians.
  • Tightness and covers.
  • Particular elements of the building.

Once the real estate exam is done, there are only two options in the result: Pro or unfavorable.

In the event that the Building inspection is favorable, it means that the elevator has found the building in order with the provisions of the law in relation to the aforementioned aspects: Safety, health and decoration. The technician himself will be in charge of registering and finalizing the inspection process at the town hall.

If, on the contrary, the Building inspection is unfavorable, the description and location of the deficiencies found, a list of the possible causes, the preventive measures executed or to be executed in order to guarantee immediate safety until the final repair and a description of the report must be reflected in the report. the interventions to be made to correct the defects found, among other things.

Building inspections newcastle is aware of the amount of doubts that raise this type of paperwork. That is why as specialists in buildings, materials and pathologist we are at your disposal to help you achieve a favorable Building inspection and keep up with current legislation.

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